Hello World - Part 2

Hello World!

It’s not the first post here right? That’s why this feels like part 2.

Looking back to 2016

Yesterday, for some strange reason, an email from 2016 from my dear colleague Eoin Brazil came up on my inbox. Looking at it in the evening, it was one of the great emails he used to send with interesting reads and articles.

Going through it, I spotted that he also listed a talk I did back then in 2016 on containers, docker, swarm and of course, MongoDB. Looking at the slides made me remember not only the effort put on that talk but also a bit of those times 4 years ago.

If you’re curious, here is a link to that talk: The rise of containers: from development to production using Docker (actually hosted on github pages).

Back to 2020 and beyond: next steps

I realised I miss a bit doing those type of talks so here is my plan:

  1. Collect all the past talks I did on Docker, Kubernetes and MongoDB and use this blog as their home.
  2. Try to come back here to share more of my own thoughts or experiences with MongoDB, Realm but also other aspects that I find important nowadays: productivity, time management, leadership.

I hope it really won’t be another 5 years to the next post!

See you soon!



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Written on October 24, 2020