Simple git guide

Hello again!

As you know, this blog is powered by Jekyll and github pages:

First post

Using Jekyll

Thanks again to @dottorblaster for showing how cool your blog can be with this.

The beauty of this system is that each post is written in markdown and can easily done from a simple text editor, using something like Sublime Text, or with a dedicated markdown client like ‘MacDown’ for Mac.

Other than this, the coolest thing is that you commit and push your files to your git repo to publish your new post!

So as nerds that most of us are, why don’t we do this using git command line? You could even create a script to do all the required steps for you ;)

Looking more into git, I found this awesome guide to git, really simple to follow:

simple git guide

All the credit goes to his creator: Roger Dudler

Thanks Roger!

Have fun guys!



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Written on November 28, 2015