Using BlueMix for your code and applications
Hi my friends,
Recently I have been working with a new Platform as a Service environment for some of my work related tasks. This new environment was GAed in July 2014 and it is IBM’s BlueMix.
The idea revolution
The idea is that this platform can enable you to develop and build your own ideas into something like a very cool application to be used and shown.
One way of presenting this concept is that you don’t need to care about the infrastructure, the servers or the storage you need for your idea. If you are working on an idea and you want to create a quick prototype, you want to be working with your code and your data for your idea.
How it works
This is exactly what BlueMix does: it lets you take control of the application runtime you want to use from a wide selection like Node.js, Python, Ruby or Java, and then you just select the service that suits best your purpose. From the services available, you can use several database options like MongoDB or Cloudant if you need NoSQL or just go with MySQL or SQLDB for traditional relational database.
Another cool service is DashDB, really interesting for fast analytics and data synchronization from a NoSQL database in Cloudant as well. I will cover this one in detail in a future post.
For now, I give you some pointers to start to look at, and keep coming back here for new posts on BlueMix used for databases and even for Internet of Things projects! ;)
Fore more details:
DeveloperWorks tutorials for BlueMix
Develop an IoT application on BlueMix with Arduino and Rails
Build a sentiment analysis application with Node.js, Express, sentiment and Twitter
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