Wordpress.com blogging tools
I know my blog has not been so in use since 2012… But recently I have been thinking about trying to write more on it.
One of the problems I had was that the interface on wordpress.com to edit / publish new posts is not so useful or simple, at least for me. I have been looking for editing tools for blogs and now I have found some interesting options to analyze here:
Mac OS X:
- PixelPumper (Available on AppStore): http://www.pixelpumper.com

- Bits (Available on AppStore): http://bitsapp.info
- Blogilo (KDE)
I will try them all to see which one is more complete, but for now on Mac OS X PixelPumper seems to be really nice. It has autocorrect options and the interface is easy to use.
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Written on May 25, 2014